Tag Archives: Sheldon

The Answer: Question 188

5 Nov

Today’s Question: Do you establish routines in your life? For example, do you usually sleep in the same place in your bed? eat meals at the same time? regularly return to the same vacation spot?

I do have some routines in my life. I sleep in the same place in my bed. I go to the gym around the same time. I have a television schedule that I stick too. I’m not excessive though.

You know who DOES have excessive routines…Dr. Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory. I know I talk about him a lot. I can’t help it. I love this guy.

He can only eat certain things on certain days.

He develops a need to knock on the door three times.

Sheldon always has to sit in the same spot.

He has to make things more complicated than they need to be.

He created a crazy roommate agreement that outlines his routines.

He is consistently socially awkward.

The Answer: Question 121

3 Nov

Today’s Question: Were you able to wake up tomorrow in the body of someone else, would you do so? Whom would you pick?

The only way I would agree to wake up tomorrow in the body of someone else, is if I knew for certain that the body swap would only be temporary. Assuming this is the case, there are a two people I would choose to swap bodies with.

1) Anne Hathaway

Anne is a triple threat: actress, singer, comedian. Don’t forget she’s also gorgeous. I would love to be Anne Hathaway for like a week or so.

2) Dr. Sheldon Cooper

I know that Sheldon is a fictional character on the hit TV show Big Bang Theory, but he is so smart and so funny, I would love to be him for a day or two.

The Big Bang Theory: The Good Guy Fluctuation

30 Oct


And there we have it: conclusive proof that I am absolutely worthless after nine o’clock. – Sheldon Cooper


[Sheldon, reading on wall] “See you in hell Sheldon.”
The most frightening thing about that is the missing comma. – Sheldon


You should have seen your face. – Rajesh Koothrappali

Yes, there’s nothing quite like the slightly widened eyes of mildly startled. – Sheldon


Who had money on faints? – Howard Wolowitz
Um, I had peed his pants. – Raj
Hang on…looks like everyone’s a winner. – Leonard Hofstadter
Leonard: Oh. Watch out, Sheldon. This little boy Casper is a g-g-g-ghost! – Leonard
Droll. – Sheldon
Not as droll as a grown man passed out in a puddle of his own urine. – Howard
That was pretty droll. With a hint of ammonia. – Leonard
Yes, enjoy your japes gentlemen. Think you’ve poked fun at a milk-toast academic, well you’ve forgotten one thing – I am also a son of the Lone Star State, Texas, through and through. And we know how to settle scores down there. If you doubt me, ask Mexico. – Sheldon
Did we just see you pick up a girl in a comic book store? – Howard
‘Cause if you did, you get your picture up there on the wall on the Wall of Heroes. – Stuart

It’s a rough month when Halloween and PMS hit at the same time. –Penny

Leonard doesn’t have time to chat, he has to get the mail. – Sheldon
Would you relax? I’ll get it in a minute. Hey, how was work [to Penny] – Leonard
Open the mail! – Sheldon
Excuse me [to Penny] – Leonard
[Sheldon waits for his prank to pop out of the mail slot.]
Couple of circulars, nothing important. – Leonard
[Sheldon goes to check the mail slot for what went wrong.]
What’s with him? – Penny
Hang on. – Leonard [spying from around the corner]
[Sheldon opens the mail slot. Leonard presses a small remote in his hand. A huge balloon with a picture of Leonard’s face pops out of the mail slot while an air horn goes off.]
AHHHHHHHH! – Sheldon [he falls to the floor]
You might be from Texas, but I’m from New Jersey! – Leonard
Oh, bother, isn’t that just always the way? You go to staple something and you’re out of staples. Gosh, wish I had known that earlier today when I was at Staples. – Sheldon
Stop talking like that. You’ve been rendered speechless with fear. – Sheldon
I tried to scare an Indian with a snake. Come on, Cooper, you’re better than this. – Sheldon
So what’s up? – Penny
Okay, we used to go out, right? – Leonard
Oh my God, that’s where I know you from. – Penny
Leonard, you’re looking for a way to sleep with both women and have everybody be happy about it. – Penny
Now, we’re getting somewhere. – Leonard
What does your gut tell you? – Penny
Go ask Penny, she’ll know what to do. – Leonard
Hey, what are you doing? – Leonard
Science. You wouldn’t understand. – Sheldon
I thought you were leaving the apartment. – Sheldon
Yeah, me too. I can’t make up my mind. – Leonard
Are you concerned because the world is filled with big dogs and bullies? – Sheldon
No, I’m having a moral crisis. – Leonard
Well, if it’s of any help, I’ve read all the great moral philosophers, including Dr. Seuss. – Sheldon
Oh, what the hell. I’m supposed to go see that girl from the comic book store, Alice, but I don’t know if I should ’cause I’m going out with Priya, but she’s in India. – Leonard
Alright, so the topic at hand is sexual fidelity. Probably won’t be relying on Seuss here. Although ‘One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish’ might be surprisingly applicable. Go on. – Sheldon
Well, they say at the end of your life, you regret the stuff that you didn’t do more than the stuff that you did and I’m pretty sure Alice is the stuff I wanna do. – Leonard
You know, the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche believed that morality is just a fiction used by the herd of inferior human beings to hold back the few superior men. – Sheldon
That actually does help. – Leonard
It’s worth noting that he died of Syphilis. – Sheldon

[after a disappointing conversation with Priya online about how he made out with another girl and she slept with her ex.]

I don’t believe this. – Leonard [to himself while leaning back on the couch]

[All of the sudden, Sheldon, wearing zombie makeup, pops out from under the couch cushions screaming and scaring the crap out of Leonard.]

Bazinga, punk. Now we’re even. – Sheldon


*A special thank you to TVGeekArmy and TV Fanatic for helping me with a few of my quotes.*

The Answer: Question 118

29 Oct

Today’s Question: If your friends and acquaintances were willing to bluntly and honestly tell you what they really thought of you, would you want them to?

I guess I would…to a certain extent. Radical honesty annoys me. I don’t need to know EVERYTHING my friends are thinking. I would like to know important truths. I do, however, think it’s funny when people can’t keep secrets at all. Take Sheldon Cooper, for instance.

Sheldon can NOT keep secrets! Oh, Big Bang Theory! I love that show so much!

The Big Bang Theory: The Rhinitis Revelation [Spoiler Alert]

20 Oct

You are in for a treat. My mother’s fried chicken is why we had to buy my dad the extra large coffin. – Sheldon


Alright that settles it, we’re going out. Do you like sushi? There’s a great little place down the street. – Leonard

I’ve never had it but there’s no harm in trying somethin’ new. – Mrs. Cooper

There’s a lot of harm in trying something new. That’s why we test out drugs and cosmetics on bunny rabbits. – Sheldon


This is exciting. Back at home the diner on route 4 served sushi, but it’s just cut up fish sticks and a side of Uncle Ben’s.[They] put it on the menu in those Kung Fu letters but that don’t make it sushi. – Mrs. Cooper

Kung Fu letters might not be politically correct. – Leonard

Oh, I thought the one we couldn’t say was ching chong. – Mrs. Cooper


It’s like they say…a cat can have kittens in the oven, but that don’t make them biscuits. – Mrs. Cooper

That reminds me of another saying…you can lead a chicken to crisco, but you can’t make your mother to fry it. – Sheldon


Want some oreos? -Leonard

Double stuffed? – Sheldon

No, regular. – Leonard

Nice, kick a man when he’s down. – Sheldon


Hun, you think maybe the reason why you’re having trouble finding a guy to settle down with is because you’re letting him ride the roller coaster without buying a ticket? – Mrs. Cooper

Oh, they don’t always get to ride the roller coaster. Sometimes they only get to spin the teacups. You know, I’m going out tonight. Would it be crazy to ask you to look at the outfit I’m going to wear? – Penny

Oh not crazy at all and don’t beat yourself up. When I was your age you could have me for a car ride and a bottle of strawberry wine. – Mrs. Cooper

That will not be in this week’s email blast. – Sheldon


Oh, I don’t know Shelly, I thought we could do a little bit of sight seein’. – Mrs. Cooper

What sight is better than your little boy embarrassing a Nobel laureate? – Sheldon


Sheldon, is it possible that your foul mood, or to use the clinical term…bitchiness…is because your mother isn’t making you a priority? – Amy Farrah Fowler

No. Or to use the clinical term, nuh uh. – Sheldon


Are you trying to suggest that my emotional problems are no different than those of a stupid person? – Sheldon

Actually, some research indicates that by not over-thinking, the less intelligent handle emotions better. – Amy Farrah Fowler


Alright Penny, your turn. – Mrs. Cooper [ Making the group pray in a church]

Okay,um… Hey God, wassup? Um, I’m good but um it would be a big help to my family if you could get my brother to stop cooking meth. But no cops…be cool. – Penny

She also goes a little overboard on the love thy neighbor…could probably use that chat you had with Mary Magdalene. Leonard, you’re up. Wasserman, you’re on deck. – Mrs. Cooper

Okay, I dunno. It’s probably a little late to ask you to make me taller. Oh um, if you could help with me and my girlfriend…she’s all the way in India…that would be great. – Leonard

Hear that? Girl trouble. Turns out we were both wrong on that front. – Mrs. Cooper [Talking to God]

How about you? – Mrs. Cooper to Howard

Ah me, no thanks I’m good. I’m really just trying not to burst into flames. – Howard


The Russian Rocket Reaction

13 Oct


Raj: You’re not only the first astronaut, you’re also the first one of us to kick a girl out of his bed.


Bernadette: He can’t go to space. He’s like a baby bird. Did you know he once got an asthma attack reading an old library book?

Amy: You’re kidding.

Penny: No, I was there that day. Sheldon threw his back out handing him that book.



Bernadette: Oh God, you’re right. I took our love and threw it under his bus sized mother.


Mrs. Wolowitz: Make up all you want. Your tucas is not leaving this planet.


Sheldon: And you’re going to have to choke back a hot sob of regret and humiliation as you mumble “I was, but I chose to go to a party thrown by the one kid from ‘Stand by Me’ that no one remembers.”

Leonard: I’m going to a party. I’m not turning R2-D2 and C3PO over to the Empire!
Sheldon: Not yet.
Penny: Will Wheaton is Sheldon’s mortal enemy.
Amy: Mortal enemy?
Penny: Mm-hmm.
Amy: Sheldon, I know you are a bit of a left-handed monkey wrench but… you really have a mortal enemy?
Sheldon: In fact, I have 61 of them.
Bernadette: Are those Russian rockets safe?
Howard: Well, I mean, safe as it can be when it was build by the good folks who brought you Chernobyl.


Sheldon: Until you either do not go or go to Wil Wheaton’s party you are simultaneously my friend and not my friend. I’m characterizing this phenomenon as Schrodinger’s Friendship.


Leonard: What are you doing here.

Sheldon: Fighting for our friendship…as peculiar and annoying as that can be you’re still my little buddy.



*A special thank you to the TV Fanatic for helping me procure a few of my quotes.

Big Bang Theory Bloopers

12 Oct

The Big Bang Theory is one of my all time favorite shows. This blooper reel is one of my favorite blooper reels EVER! It’s HILARIOUS! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock [The Correct Version]

Sheldon: It’s very simple. Scissors cuts paper, paper covers rock, rock crushes lizard, lizard poisons Spock, Spock smashes scissors, scissors decapitates lizard, lizard eats paper, paper disproves Spock, Spock vaporizes rock, and—as it always has—rock crushes scissors

The Wiggly Finger Catalyst [Spoiler Alert]

10 Oct

Last week’s episode of The Big Bang Theory was all about Raj. The poor guy needed someone to love and Penny decided to play matchmaker.

Flag on the play! There were a few problems here. 1) Raj has to perpetually drink in order to talk to women. 2) Raj is a total jerk when he talks. 3) [SPOILER ALERT] Raj got used by a gold digging deaf chick. [On the up side, since this girl is deaf, Raj feels comfortable enough to talk to her! This could have almost been a match made in heaven!]

Here are some memorable quotes from this episode:

Sheldon: The Koothrappalis aren’t just rich, they’re Richie Rich rich.
Penny: How much is that?
Sheldon: About halfway between Bruce Wayne and Scrooge McDuck.


Raj: Okay, I’m going to play it cool. Tell her, “Maybe. Whatever, babe.”
Howard [translating in sign language to Emily]: He’ll text you.


Raj: I don’t know if I want to play anymore.
Sheldon: Because you don’t have a girlfriend? Good lord, if that becomes a reason to not play Dungeons & Dragons, this game’s in serious trouble.


Sheldon: The entrance to the dungeon is a moss covered door. You manage to open it, only to find yourself face to face with a hideous, foul smelling, moss covered ogre. What do you do?

Howard: I say, “Hey Ma, what’s for dinner?”


Raj: Whatever, dude. She kissed me.
Howard: It might’ve been on your lips but it was my kiss.
Raj: Oh, fine, let’s agree she kissed both of us.
Howard: Okay.


Penny: We should set [Raj] up with someone.
: You know, I met a really cute girl at work. She’s married to a guy in one of our drug trials.
Penny: Well, hello, she’s married.
Bernadette: Yeah, but her husband is in serious congestive heart failure, and a little birdie told me he’s in the placebo group.


Penny: This girl is trouble! What kind of relationship is it where you buy her gifts and she gives you sex?
Raj: The best one I’ve ever had!


Sheldon: The dice giveth and the dice taketh away.


Raj: She gives me things, too.
Raj’s father: Yeah, yeah, I’m a gynaecologist. I know exactly what she gives you.


A special thanks to The Big Bang Theory Fansite and TV Fanatic for helping me procure some of these quotes!