Tag Archives: United States

YouTube Classics: RickRoll’d

20 Nov


If you haven’t been RickRoll’d yet, be thankful. This viral trend was obnoxious. Luckily, it seems that America has moved on from the RickRoll. Just for kicks, let’s see what Rick Astley has to say…

The X Factor USA: Drew Ryniewicz

15 Nov

Drew Ryniewicz is taking the nation by storm. This little 14 year old is dominating the X Factor USA as Simon Cowell‘s shining star. Her voice is incredible and her creative song arrangements are inspiring. This is a girl to watch out for. Whether she wins this competition or not, she will make her mark on America. Look out world. “What a Feeling” is my favorite song from her so far. Her arrangement for that song is just magnificent.

 Just a Dream

What a Feeling


Fix You

YouTube Classics: Flea Market Montgomery

14 Nov

Flea Market Montgomery

This commercial went viral when Ellen DeGeneres aired it on The Ellen Show back in 2006. I’m still trying to figure out why it’s such a big deal. Someone want to clue me in?

Weekend Comedy: Demetri Martin

5 Nov

This weekend’s comedian is Demetri Martin. Demetri is an American comedian who had his own show on Comedy Central called Important Things with Demetri Martin. The show was short lived, but still appreciated by some people. My good friend Sharon was among those people. Demetri is her favorite comedian, so this weekend’s comedy segment is dedicated to her. Please enjoy the following videos.

[Warning: may contain some crude humor and strong language.]

1) If I…Part 1

2) If I…Part 2

3) If I…Part 3

4) If I…Part 4

5) If I…Part 5

6) If I…Part 6

The Answer: Question 179

2 Nov

Today’s Question: If you went to a movie with a friend and it was lousy, would you leave?

This is a tricky question. If I thought the movie was lousy and I knew that my friends thought the movie was lousy, I could be convinced to leave. In that case, we could probably convince the theater to refund our tickets or something. However, last time I went to a lousy movie, The Green Hornet, with my friends, I had no idea what they thought about the movie until the very end.

We were all hesitant to tell each other that the movie was terrible because we didn’t know if any of us enjoyed it. We all kind of pussyfooted around the subject for a minute before I came out and said I thought the movie was awful and my friends immediately agreed. It was the biggest waste of money ever. Plus, we went to see it in 3D, so we wasted way more money than we should have. To this day, we still talk about how bad the movie was. Wow.

Check out this link to Rotten Tomatoes…even they agree with us.

Trapped in an Elevator

31 Oct

How scary is this?

Back in 2008, this poor guy Nicholas White was trapped in an elevator in for 41 hours in the McGraw-Hill Building in New York City. Check this out.


I would go insane trapped in an elevator for that long! For more information concerning this story, check out Nick Paumgarten’s article Up and Then Down from the New Yorker.

The Answer: Question 123

28 Oct

Today’s Question: When you do something ridiculous, how much does it bother you to have other people notice it and laugh at you?

I do ridiculous things all the time. I am so used to embarrassing myself that it doesn’t really phase me anymore. Everyone does embarrassing things. How do you react when you embarrass yourself?

The Hangover Gag Reel

These guys are really good at doing stupid things!

Star Trek 2009 Gag Reel

It’s great to see sci fi screw ups!

Whose Line is it Anyway Bloopers

27 Oct

Whose Line is it Anyway, hosted by Drew Carey, was one of America’s greatest shows. I’m so sad that it was canceled. Please enjoy these bloopers!

The Answer: Question 127

27 Oct

Today’s Question: If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?

I would have liked to have been raised as a witch a la Harry Potter! How wicked would that be? Quidditch, flying brooms, flying cars, trolls, werewolves, house elves, wands, owls, magic and more….LOVE IT!

YouTube Classics: Jill and Kevin’s Big Day

26 Oct

Jill and Kevin’s Big Day

This is the best wedding entrance I’ve ever seen. I don’t know that anything can top this.