Tag Archives: Arts and Entertainment

YouTube Classics: Double Rainbow

4 Nov

Double Rainbow

For your enjoyment, I have included the original Double Rainbow video as well as the Double Rainbow song that went viral!

The Answer: Question 144

25 Oct

Today’s Question: A close friend asks- and genuinely wants- your opinion about something, but your opinion is one that he is likely to find quite painful. For example, your friend is an artist and asks your honest estimate of his chances of being successful. You think he is an atrocious artist who hasn’t the slightest chance of success. What would you do?

This is a very tough question. I’m sure we’ve all been in sticky situations with our closest friends where we have to make decisions like this. I know that I have. These situations tend to blow up in your face no matter which way you go. My general rule is to tell my friends the truth. If my friend was this artist, I would explain to him that I’m very happy that he has found something he loves to do. I would tell him that although his work isn’t something I’d normally buy for myself, there may be others that think entirely different than I do.

I would validate his accomplishment by explaining how impressed I am that he can paint (or do whatever art he does) because I’m certainly not good at what he does and I don’t know a lot of people that are. This way, he feels important even though I told him that I don’t particularly care for his work. I would suggest to my friend that he try selling some of his art or at least show some of his art around and get a general consensus as to how the public appreciates it.

Though, knowing he’s not a good artist, I would be sure to stress that it ultimately doesn’t matter what other people think of your art as long as you love to create it. If they love it, great. If they don’t it doesn’t matter because you love it and that is what matters. Basically, I would try to tell my friend as much truth as possible and be as supportive as I can. What do you think? Would you do something different?

I don’t know that there is any one correct answer to this problem. If this were a TV show, the artist would probably unfriend you for insulting his work. To break through to your friend, who is now not speaking to you very often, you try your hand at something you’re very bad at and ask for your artist friend’s opinion on your chance of success. With a taste of his own medicine, he sees what you were trying to explain to him and everyone goes home friends. Let’s be real, life is not like a television series. But if it was, that would be awesome! Wouldn’t it?

YouTube Classics: Miss Teen USA 2007

23 Oct

Miss Teen USA 2007

We wonder why other countries think Americans aren’t the brightest…now we know why.

In Miss South Carolina’s defense, I’m sure she was really nervous for the question and answer category. As I’m sure she practiced, she repeated the question as part of her answer to give herself more time to think of a response. The problem, I think, is that she either didn’t have a good answer at the time or she was consumed with so much stage fright that she blew it. I feel so bad for her. It’s one thing to blow it in front of all those people watching in the audience and on television. It’s another thing to become a viral hit on YouTube and be known to the WORLD as not the sharpest tool in the shed.

Song of the Day

13 Oct

Since I woke up at 4:30 AM due to a massive thunderstorm shaking my house, I feel a lot crabby and a little rock-n-roll.

Check out this band Rooster and their rockin’ song called Come Get Some!

Like that?! Check this out. Reece Mastin auditions for The X Factor Australia 2011 singing Rooster’s Come Get Some. Personally, I like Reece’s version better. Kid has major chops. He could go all the way. Right on, Reece!

By the way, your eyes are NOT deceiving you, Scary Spice is a judge on that show…with a bun in the oven. I think she may have given birth between a few of the episodes (I sort of followed the show for a bit online) but I’m not quite sure. Anyway, Jam On today Boys and Girls!